Title: The Sum of All Knowledge
Acrylic, interference film and string on canvas
Dimensions: 48"x48"
Finish Date: November, 2005

I decided to do a series, with materials that are mostly achromatic. That is they have no native hue, and with the exception of black and white pigments, are essentially transparent. All chromatic colours perceived are due to the spectral properties of the light source, the microscopic structure of the materials used and the associated angles of illumination and viewing. This property I call kinechromaticism.

The Sum of All Knowledge is a minimal achromatic work exploring spatial relation and form. The open cube is meant to symbolize a hypercube of arbitrarily large dimension. A computer scientist would confirm that all human knowledge that has been or ever will be expressed in word, picture or music, can be represented by the binary labeling of the corners of such a cube.

I chose an isometric view of the cube. The bottom surface is uncoloured but is smoother. The higher reflectivity creates a different quality of black. The right-hand side is untreated and is distinguishable from the space the cube is embedded in, only by the coloured string, an artifice I had used in an earlier spatial study. The strings, being edge connected, flatten the spatial representation of the cube creating some visual tension.